So much has happened in the last few weeks that shoved me into overload! Even good stress is still stress! My middle son, Alex and his wife, Emily had a beautiful son, Jameson Atlas Cross. He is a doll and I've really enjoyed my time with him! We even napped together one night. They are quite a drive from my home, but that is okay. I just have to drive through so much construction in the 'state of never-ending road funds-UT!' That really should be the state slogan!
WY's state slogan should be, "Where you can drive for hours and still be nowhere." But I digress.
So good things are wonderful when they happen in our lives! I checked my messages when I left work one day to hear Alex's voice, saying, 'Mom, Emily is a week and a half past her due date and you are not taking my call? Sheesh!'
I got to Sandy UT, where they live around 9pm that night, with an overnight bag, towels, wash cloths and other birthing goodies. As my son, Adam says, 'This ain't ma first rodeo!' I had 2 of my kids in birthing centers and 4 at home. The rest were hospitals and do not get me started on that subject!
Emily was a rockstar at giving birth. 8 hours for her first. Holy Cow that is awesome. My first was 23 hours! I think Jameson was born about 3am or 4am or 5am. Not sure without checking. When everything was cleaned up and the midwife left, I crashed with my daughter, Tegan. When I finally woke up to go to work, my clothes were messed up so I wore my extra pajama pants to work! Now before you think they had coffee cups or sunflowers or the words 'Juicy' on the butt or mooses or something, I'll just let you know they were black knit with chunky lace at the bottom and probably look like stuff I normally wear.
The point is, at my age, all-nighters get tough to do! And then work another day before getting any real sleep.
And then there was the icky other stress of the month and the really hideous stress, too. And I'd have to say, I'm handling things better with the foundation of TLP for over 20 weeks under my belt... Stay tuned!
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