My son Trevor has cracked ribs, bruising and undoubtedly a brain injury from the accident that caused this 2010 Yukon to be totaled. Thank heavens it wasn't worse as hitting the back of a semi truck could be way worse. Trev was transported via ambulance, receiving all kinds of tests and care and is still dealing with all manner of aches and pains. It brought back to me, all the things I went through and still go through because of the Jeep Cherokee that rear-ended my Toyota Tundra, nearly 6 years ago.
I was stopped, southbound, at the 45th South light, on 9th East in Salt Lake City. The Jeep plowed into the back of me 40-50 mph, according to the officer. The driver came up to my window, after hitting me, and apologized, saying he didn't see me because he was looking for McDonald's. Sheesh! It's a mid-size pick up truck at a big intersection with lights, traffic and everything. (I believe I saved his life as I hit the brakes hard after impact, keeping us from going into the east-west traffic flow.)
The officer who responded, had us both move into a parking lot, after he checked us out and surveyed the damage. I got out of my vehicle, leaning against it as my head was hissing and I was shocky. When the cop said I could go, I really did not want to drive. I knew I was shocky and I was not myself and completely afraid to drive. I drove the half mile home and called my niece to help me know what to do. I didn't even have a good relationship with her, so that was proof I wasn't quite right.
Lots to this story, but one point is how trauma to the brain can effect parts of memory and all kinds of abilities and skills and how you feel and, anything, pretty much, that has to do with brain function. I lost chunks of memory. I can recognize people from a specific time of my life, when I lived in Vernal UT. Their faces are familiar to me, but their names and where I talked to them is gone. I also lost the ability to process sequential numbers like phone numbers, addresses, dates and credit cards.
I struggled with the sequential number thing as I needed that skill so many times every single day! If you left me a voice mail message, with a phone number, I had to listen to your message 3 times, until I was sure I got it right. If you rattled off a number quickly to me, there was no way I would remember even half the numbers and they would absolutely not be remembered in correct order. It was so frustrating, when I knew I was smart and I was able to do it before my car accident and then, I just couldn't. (And idiots around blamed it on aging! Aging is a choice. If you take care of yourself, really take care of yourself, you won't 'age' like people think.)
So, just on the sequential number processing topic, in the 13th week of listening to The Listening Program, that ability to process 16 digit credit cards the first time, every time, correctly, came back. Unbelievable! And I took a couple of voice message phone numbers, correctly the first time and I cried. My heart was so touched and amazed to get this back, after suffering for nearly 6 years.
I'm telling ya, TLP has changed my life and I'll share more of the ways how in future posts.
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